Who is your hosting archetype?

We all like to party differently. Some are a fan of big gatherings, some small. Some like to focus on the theme while others are all about the food… Which hosting archetype are you?

The ‘It’ll be alright on the all-nighter’

A relaxed attitude toward party planning is an understatement! You’re a ‘throw some crisps in a bowl, chuck some pizzas in the oven (or better yet, get some delivered) and BYOB to my open house’ kind of a person! Yes there will be music. Yes there will be good conversation. But for you, it’s all about the flow on the night and not taking it too seriously. Is there a start time? Maybe? Turn up when you want, leave when you’ve had enough, that’s your motto.

Most suitable music for you? Acoustic Duo playing pop and dance hits to get your mates in the party mood (and easily accommodated in your living room!)

The List Maker

The anthesis of the ‘It’ll be alright on the all-nighter’. Your to-do lists are legendary - one for each party essential; food, drink, music, guest list, venue questions etc. There’s a theme, a signature cocktail and a clear beginning, middle and end to your parties and you can’t imagine it any other way.

Most suitable music for you? Solo with backing tracks. Let’s keep it simple and classy.

The Dancing Queen

You don’t care where, you don’t care when, you don’t even care (that much) what you’re eating and drinking as long as you and your pals get to boogie on down to some CHOONS! Your guest list and your choice of live band are the most important things to you, because you know with them sorted, everyone is going to have the best night.

Most suitable music for you? ESTUARY Soul’s 5 piece band is just the thing to have you on your feet from the word go, shedding your heels after the first song and singing yourself hoarse to your favourite hits!

The Kitchen Gardener

The food is the most important bit of any party for you. As long as everyone is fed (with the good stuff), they’ll be happy, right? You’ll spend hours looking over recipe ideas and even longer in the kitchen slaving over mini pastry based delights and experimenting with fruit and chocolate based desserts.

Most suitable music for you? Duo of singer with guitarist or piano accompanying - perfect for creating a warm, relaxed atmosphere as a backdrop to the centre of attention - your creations!

The Gatherer

You don’t have parties, you have soirees; select gatherings where wine is drunk and the topics of the day discussed in great detail. Small, select, perfection.

Most suitable music for you? Solo with backing tracks - the perfect talking point.

The Great Gatsby

You. Want. Everything. There will be music, there will be dancers, there will be a DJ, there will be fireworks, there will be a feast and champagne that flows ALL NIGHT LONG!

Most suitable music for you? Either a Jazz trio if you’re going full Gatsby or EVERYTHING!

Found your archetype? Am I missing one?

Have a look at my videos to see if you agree with my music choices…


a 50th Birthday garden party in west london with jazz and soul singer, Rosie holman


the weird and the wonderful