The Brand New Same Old Rosie

I have an announcement!

Something new is coming!


I’m on a lot of agencies who tend to pit music acts against each other - I know, not ALL agencies. But the big ones? Yes. And that’s a whole other topic… When you write applications for gigs, or when you apply for the agencies in the first place, the processes are all full of the same language. It’s all “What makes you DIFFERENT?”, “What makes you STAND OUT?” “What makes you THE BEST?” And honestly, it kind of leaves me feeling a bit tired and deflated. Because what I’m doing isn’t anything new.

All events are unique. But events, especially ones steeped in tradition like weddings, largely follow the same pattern and clients book me for largely the same thing. I get booked for slower tempo, smooth, easy listening Jazz for early in the day or evening. Maybe something a bit soul-y for during wedding ceremonies. Music that makes everyone feel warm and fuzzy, relaxed and ready to have easy conversations with the people around them. It’s a vibe! People who want their events to be chilled. People who love their tribe and want them to be at ease. Sure the setlist I play will vary in small ways from gig to gig - I read the room and follow the temperature of it rather than come with a pre-determined setlist - but it’s VERY similar each time. Because it works.

And that’s why my clients book me. They know I’ve been doing this for years and my experience and proven track record (check out my reviews, bruh!) are what they want for their event. They want to know their celebration is going to go off without a hitch and that they can rely on me to bring the good vibes! Ta Dah! Job, jobbed!

For me there’s a certain comfort in the familiar. I often get asked if I get stage fright or nervous before gigs and yeah, sometimes that happens, but mostly I’m good. There’s a rhythm to it and a groove and it’s my happy place. I know what I’m doing which gives me confidence. I feel strong and solid in it. The more you practise, the better you get, and I’ve had over a decade of practise!

I belong to a proud tradition of taking popular songs, and performing them for people at their celebrations. It’s something that’s been done for millennia. I’ve spent years honing for craft, my voice, the way I interact with people, and I think, and my clients tend to agree with me, that I do a pretty good job! So, I’m not going to fix what isn’t broken. It’s not exactly the stuff that marketing dreams are made of. I have nothing new and sparkly to offer! It’s just me. Still me. Doing the same thing I’ve been doing for years, but you know? It works!


Jazz singer for Corporate Drinks at London Marriott Hotel, grosvenor Square